Data Types & I/O

Data Types & I/O#

Commonly-used data types (with Python examples) include:

NamePython SyntaxExampleDescription
Stringstr()"Hello World!"String of characters
Integerint()7Whole number
Floatfloat()1.5Decimal number, or number with floating point values
Booleanbool()TrueTwo-state system that typically represents true/false values
Nothing/Null/NoneTypeNoneTypeNoneNo value

For more on data types in Python:


An integer is a whole number that does not include any decimal (or fractional) values. A float data type includes decimal (or fractional) values.

# printing an integer

# storing an integer to a variable
number = 3

# show number variable type

# print number variable
# printing a decimal or float value

# store float value to a variable
number = 3.5

# show number variable type

# print number variable


A string is a sequence of characters (letters, numbers, symbols, etc.) We can assign strings to a variable (i.e. store them as a variable).

# assign string to variable
s = "Hello world!"

# show variable type

# print variable
<class 'str'>
Hello world!

Input & Output (I/O)#

In programming languages and computing more broadly, I/O stands for Input and Output. Programming languages can take a variety of inputs (user-provided values, data, files, etc) and return outputs in a variety of formats (data stored in memory, output that shows up in the console, newly-created or -modified files, etc).

We’ve already seen I/O in action in Python via print() statements. One way Python accepts input is via the input() function, which accepts a user input and assigns that to a variable.

A sample program that asks a user to enter their name:

# initial prompt
print("Enter your name: ")

# input function
name = input()

# output statement
print("Hello, " + name)

We can modify that program to include the initial prompt as part of the input() statement.

# initial prompt with input function
name = input("Enter your name: ")

# output
print("Hello, " + name)

NOTE: The default data type for a variable created using the input() function is a string object.

For more background on I/O in Python: