
The .plot.hist() method will generate a histogram. We can also use .hist() to generate a histogram.

import pandas as pd, numpy as np # import statmeents

# generate random data
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": np.random.randn(1000) + 1, "b": np.random.randn(1000), "c": np.random.randn(1000) - 1,}, columns=["a", "b", "c"],)
df # inspect data
a b c
0 1.810398 0.207306 -1.719783
1 0.229618 1.878545 -0.869958
2 -0.393201 -0.054595 -0.952195
3 1.470702 0.612677 -0.366439
4 2.174134 0.468061 -1.417535
... ... ... ...
995 1.944827 1.185007 -2.180961
996 0.763507 -0.420616 -1.165496
997 1.142902 0.248652 -1.112617
998 -0.246135 -0.601180 -0.623862
999 1.005845 -0.106212 -0.264363

1000 rows × 3 columns

df.plot.hist(alpha=0.5) # create plot
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>

Other Parameters#

We can set stacked to True to create a stacked histogram.

df.hist(stacked=True) # stacked histogram

We can also specify the bin size using the bins keyword.

df.plot.hist(bins=20) # modified bin number/size

Additional Resources#

We can use the .hist() method in matplotlib to further customize our histogram: matplotlib.axes.Axes.hist

For more on histograms: