Bar Charts

Bar Charts#

One of the common uses for bar charts is to plot categorial variables. A bar chart presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values they represent.

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np # import statements

# basic vertical bar chart
data = {'apple': 10, 'orange': 15, 'lemon': 5, 'lime': 20} # dictionary with categories and amounts
names = list(data.keys()) # get category names
values = list(data.values()) # get values
fig, axs = plt.subplots() # create figure, values) # create plot # show output
# horizontal bar chart
data = {'apple': 10, 'orange': 15, 'lemon': 5, 'lime': 20} # dictionary with categories and amounts
names = list(data.keys()) # get category names
values = list(data.values()) # get values
fig, axs = plt.subplots() # create figure
axs.barh(names, values) # create plot # show output

Additional Resources#

For more on bar charts and plotting categorical data: