

Click here for a Jupyter Notebook template for this chapter’s application problems.

Code Checklist#

Because these questions are open-ended, a checklist of syntax or operations that need to show up in this submission. If the datasets you’ve chosen or the workflows you’re digging into across these questions don’t include these operations, reach out to the instructor.

DataFrame workflows:

  • Interacting

    • Could include selecting, sorting, filtering, changing data types, etc.

  • Reshaping

    • A variety of options here: pivot, melt, pivot_table, transpose, or explode

  • Combining

    • Could include concat or merge

You don’t need to include all the syntax we’ve encountered in these chapters. But your programs (taken together) need to include syntax from these three big bucket areas.


Q1A: Identify a civic dataset that you want to analyze and reshape. Answer to this question notes and briefly describes the dataset you’re working with. Include a link if possible.

  • NOTE: You may need to do some hunting to find a dataset that needs significant processing. or are good starting points.

Q1B: Develop an outline for your data processing workflow. This could be a list with bullet points, a narrative, or a visual diagram (or a combination of these elements). Answer to this question includes a desired final data structure.

  • NOTE: No code is required as part of this answer.

Q1C: Develop a Python program that implements your Q1B outline. Answer to this question includes code + comments.

Q1D: What challenges did you encounter? How did you approach solving them?