Other Data Workflows#

There are lots of different ways to build on the relational database concepts we’ve covered.

Other Relational Database Workflows#

Examples of relational database platforms include MySQL, Oracle, MariaDB, and MongoDB.

Cloud Database Workflows#

In most enterprise systems, database access is managed through cloud or web-based systems.

Examples include Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud.

For example, Notre Dame’s data repository (DataND) uses Amazon Web Services for storage and provides user access viaAWS Snowball.

NoSQL Workflows#

Non-SQL (NoSQL) databases are a robust data storage option that is not based on table relationships. Examples of NoSQL workflows can include a variety of different data structures.

Graph Object#

For example, a graph (or graph object) database uses nodes and relationships to store data.

Additional Resources#

For more on SQL versus NoSQL workflows:

Alternate File Formats#

Especially when working with large datasets, .csv files can be prohibitely resource intensive for processing, runtime, memory, etc.

Alternate data structures that incorporate column-based (rather than row-based) data storage have emerged as alternatives.

Specific file formats include Parquet and Feather. We will not be covering these workflows in depth, but some resources that can get folks started:

Other resources: