

Click here for a Jupyter Notebook template for this chapter’s application problems.

Q1: In your own words, explain the difference between the print(hello) command and print(“hello”).

Q2: Create your own list of numbers or strings, using the examples in the lab as a starting point. What is the number position for each of the items in your list? How would you return the value of the first item? How would you return the value of the last item?

Q3: In your own words, what is iteration?

Q4: In your own words, what is the difference between a for loop and a while loop?

Q5: For each concept, describe in your own words and provide an example using Python syntax. Use comments/narrative text to note each part of your answer.

  • I/O (input and ouput, using print() and input())

  • string variable

  • integer variable

  • concatenation

  • arithmetic operators

  • comparison operators

  • list

  • dictionary

  • if, else, elif statements

  • for loop

  • while loop