

Click here for a Jupyter Notebook template for this chapter’s application problems.

All the materials to reproduce your work (notebook and data files, API call, etc) should be included in the assignment Google Drive folder.

Q1A: Write code that generates at least 3 of the following plot types.

  • Figure with subplots

  • Scatterplot

  • Histogram

  • Bar chart (regular, horizontal, stacked, or grouped)

  • Pie chart

  • Boxplot

  • Table

  • Other

Each of the three plots needs to include the following style elements (as appropriate).

  • Title

  • Axis labels

  • Tick marks

  • Tick labels

  • Line or marker style

  • Line or marker color

  • Legend

Each program should include code + comments. Small datasets you create manually are fine.

Q1B: Write code that saves at least one of your Q1A plots as an image file. Include the image file output in the assignment Google Drive folder.