Additional Resources

Additional Resources#

matplotlib supports a wide range of plot types and customizations not covered here. Other types of plots include:

  • Filled polygon

  • Stackplots and streamgraphs

  • Image plots

  • Density plots

  • Contour plots

  • Mesh plots

  • Streamplots

  • Geographic projections

  • Violin plots

  • Polar charts

  • Custom object plots

That’s not even getting into 3D plotting in matplotlib, or plotting geographic data.

A good place to start is the matplotlib Gallery, which includes sample code for different plot types. “Sample plots in matplotlib” is another starting place.

For 3D Plotting#

3D plotting resources:

For More on Text and Annotation#

A few of our examples used matplotlib’s annotation functionality. Annotation using .text() can highlight specific data points or draw attention to specific elements of a plot.

For more on text and annotation: