How to Interact With This Book#

This site is built using Jupyter Book.

There are a few different key ways to interact with and use this book. The toolbar at the top of the page is a starting point.

Open Jupyter Notebook in the Cloud#

Book pages that are Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) files can run in the cloud. Use the rocket icon at the top of the page and click Colab to open in Google Colab.

  • Note: Make sure you save the file to your Drive. Otherwise changes will not be saved.

Download Jupyter Notebook#

You can download any Jupyter notebook page from this book as a Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb). Use the download icon and click .ipynb.

Make Full Screen & Adjust Brightness#

To make any page from this book full screen, click the full screen icon at the top of the page.

Change the page brightness setting using the brightness icon at the top of the page.

Open Issue on GitHub#

Run into an issue or want to make a suggestion? Open an issue using the GitHub icon and click open issue.