Surveys & Forms

Surveys & Forms#

One option is use a survey or form with some pre-defined choices or drop-down options. Log into your Notre Dame Google Drive account.

Select the option to create a Google Form. Click on the Blank Form option.

Explore the different question types, thinking about how these options could streamline or standardize a data entry workflow.


Q4A: Thinking about some of the pattern errors you identified for Q1, how would you address those issues using a form or survey template?

Q4B: Provide an outline or framework for a survey form the players table.

  • You DO NOT need to actually create or submit a survey form.

  • Describe what types of questions and pre-defined question or field options could you use to more effectively generate the data in this file.

  • You’re welcome to include screenshots or sketches/diagrams if that would be helpful.