

In a situation where you have a column with multiple values in the same row (i.e. list in a single cell), .explode() creates a unique index-row value for each combination.

# general syntax


  • column required

    • Column(s) that will be exploded. Format will be string or tuple.

  • ignore_index optional

    • Default is False; if set to True, resulting index will be default 0, 1, 2, etc

We’ll start with a DataFrame.

import pandas as pd, numpy as np # import statements
df = pd.DataFrame({'P': [[2, 3, 4], 'fff', [], [4, 5]], 'Q': 2}) # create df
df # show output

In this .explode() example…

  • Values in P column will become unique index-value combinations

  • Q values will remain unchanged (may be duplicated as new rows get added)

df.explode('P') # explode
dfExplode = df.explode('P') # assign to new df
dfExplode # show output

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