

Click here for a Google Doc template for this chapter’s application problems.

Question #1#

Q1A: What entities are in the players, teams, locations and transactions tables? List the entitites by table and include some explanation of your thought process. If you’re getting stuck, try describing the data included in each table using a sentence. Where are the nouns in each sentence?

Q1B: What attributes are in the players, teams, locations and transactions tables? What entities do these attributes describe? List the attributes by entity and table and include some explanation of your thought process. If you’re getting stuck, go back to your list of entities from Q1A. What non-entity information in each table might describe an entity?

Q1C: What relationships do you see within and across entities in the players, teams, locations and transactions tables? What entities do these relationships connect? Include some explanation of your thought process. If you’re getting stuck, go back to your list of entities from Q1B. How do these entities connect?

Q1D: Include the cardinality for the relationships you identified in Q1C. Include some explanation of your thought process.

Q1E: Build an ERD for the players, teams, locations and transactions tables. Include your diagram as well as an explanation of your process.

You can draw these by hand or use a drawing tool.

Free tools you can use to create ERDs:

Question #2#

Q2A: What fields in our tables are functioning as keys? Which ones are primary keys and which ones are foreign keys? Include some explanation of your thought process.

Q2B: Build a relational schema for a relational database that includes the players, teams, locations, and transactions tables. Include your diagram as well as an explanation of your process.