

Q3A: Starting with the pattern errors you identified for Q1, how would you address those issues using Excel?

Q3B: Provide an outline for your data processing workflow. A set of steps or tasks is a good place to start. You’re welcome to include screenshots as that would be helpful.

Q3C: Work through cleaning the players and teams tables. Once you’re done, export the .csv files and add them to the Google Sheets template for this chapter.

Q3D: Compare your experience working in a spreadsheet program to other experiences you have had in a text editor, spreadsheet program, or OpenRefine. In what ways do you understand, perceive, or relate to the data differently through working in a spreadsheet program? Reflect on and describe your experience cleaning this data in a spreadsheet program.

Additional Resources#

We are barely scratching the surface of what is possible with data wrangling in Excel or Google Sheets. The progam can also standardize capitalization, remove leading and trailing spaces, and address other commonly-found data errors.