Microsoft Excel#

Loading Data#

There are two options for loading data files in Excel.

  • Import CSV files

  • Open Excel workbook

Loading Data From CSV Files#

Open a blank Microsoft Excel file. Save the blank file as an Excel workbook.

Click on Data in the top menu bar. Under Get Data select the From Text/CSV option. In Sheet1, select the Player_Birthplaces.csv file.

In the pop-up window, make sure Comma is selected as the delimiter, and switch File Origin to UTF-8. Click Load

You should now see the CSV data in the Excel workbook. Go through the same process for the team_locations.csv file. Save the updated workbook.

Loading Data as an Excel Workbook#

Alternatively, you can download the Google Sheets file as an Excel workbook (.xlsx). That workbook file includes both tables needed for this lab.

Data Cleaning in Excel#

Click the drop-down arrow next to a column header to see additional options for that field. Use these sort, search, and filter options to address data pattern errors.

Find and Replace#

Alternatively, use the Replace option under Find & Select (in the Home menu section) to address pattern errors.

Click the Options button to see additional options.

Consult the following resources as needed to understand this data:

To change all cells in a column, click the cell in the first non-header row. Press Control or Command and the down arrow key to select all cells with data in that column. Press Control/Command and D to copy the first value into the other selected cells. Alternatively, move your cursor over the bottom right-hand corner of the cell in the first non-header row. Click and drag the plus icon that appears down through the column to copy the value in the first cell into the subsequent cells.

Go through this same process for the teams table.

Saving and Exporting in Excel#

The default file type in Microsoft Excel is an Excel workbook (.xlsx).

Click on the File menu section to show additional export options. Under Export you can see some of the other options for exporting the data in Excel.

  • While plain-text formats (tab separated values, tsv; comma separated values, csv, etc) are best for digital preservation and interoperability, they only accept a single table.


Q3A: Starting with the pattern errors you identified for Q1, how would you address those issues using Excel?

Q3B: Provide an outline for your data processing workflow. A set of steps or tasks is a good place to start. You’re welcome to include screenshots as that would be helpful.

Q3C: Work through cleaning the players and teams tables. Once you’re done, export the .csv files and add them to the Google Sheets template for this chapter.

Q3D: Compare your experience working in a spreadsheet program to other experiences you have had in a text editor, spreadsheet program, or OpenRefine. In what ways do you understand, perceive, or relate to the data differently through working in a spreadsheet program? Reflect on and describe your experience cleaning this data in a spreadsheet program.