Google Sheets#

There are two options for loading data files in Google Sheets.

Option #1, Loading Data From CSV Files#

Open a blank Google Sheets project. Replace Untitled spreadsheet in the top-left hand corner with a meaningful file name.

Select Import under File in the top-level menu.

Select the option to Upload a file from your local computer, or drag and drop the player_birthplaces.csv file. Click Select.

A few settings to check before we import:

  • Change the Import Location to Insert new sheet(s)

  • Select Comma as the Separator type

  • Uncheck the Convert text to numbers, dates, and formulas box

Click Import data.

The players table is now loaded in Google Sheets. Go through the same workflow for the teams.csv file.

Option #2, Copying the Google Sheets Project#

Alternatively, you can make a copy of the Google Sheets project to your local Drive. The Google Sheets project includes both tables needed for this chapter.

Section Table of Contents#